Service number:
32nd Infantry Battalion
Eyewitness to:
Packet number:
SLSA record number:
SRG 76/1/1509
From other sources
National Archives of Australia:
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Image of Captain Samuel Ernest Goold Mills M.C.
Submitted by Maria Wimbridge (not verified) on Sat, 01/13/2024 - 18:53
Samual E G Mills was born 11 July 1881 in Dundas (now Parramatta) NSW His father Chas. Mills was interested in Prospecting and, with family, headed west to the goldfields in WA, south of Kalgoorlie near Norseman. Seven years after Samuels return from the Boer War in 1901, he married Philippa Krakouer, my cousin, on 20 May 1908, He enlisted in the AIF on 31 March 1915 with the outbreak of WW1
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